As the second semester is about half-away over (Already!!!) and there is this great week called "study week" which more or less means kind of a holiday break. After experiencing driving in Ireland in February before this semester actually started and realizing that it is actually quite great way to see places around, the rest was just simple math: Free time + Better range of discovering sights/views = Rent a car
On our first day instead of five we manage to find out few persons to join in the crew and had a full car: One German, one Brazilian, one Finnish and four French... So time to take a direction "Connemara." Area itself is known to a real original Irish cultural area where it is possible to actually still here people speaking Irish for each other and besides cultural part, the area also covers for example Connemara national park, small towns and scenic driving routes.

First we stopped in a Kylemore Abbey which is originally built as a private house (with no more than 33 bedrooms!) but acted later on old abbey and girl's school until it was closed in 2010. Building itself looked stunning and supposed to be old victorian gardens behind the house but for some reason it wasn't on its best yet on March... From Kylemore Abbey it was only few miles drive to the National Park. Women at visitors center warned us that there are strong winds so climbing on the top of the mountains were not recommendable which actually turned out to be true when we stepped ourselves in walking trails... Wind was blowing really hard at some points but because there was no rain I just would say that it was a refreshing moment :D
On the driving way among coastal, we stopped quickly at one sightseeing spot to take some pictures, and at that time wind was really blowing hard - and I mean really hard! When sitting in the car at parking place it was possible held how the wind did shake the car and trying to stand on a stone fence turned also be almost mission impossible because the wind almost literally pusher us down from standing on the stone fence... Adventurous indeed and tomorrow is a brand new day ;)
This time it turned out to be interesting... Last time the rented car was quite small, why I named it "the buggy." I had rented a C-class car (WW Golf or similar) but when picking up a car they didn't have that one available at that second so they upgraded me few classes better car as a result I had a real 7-seater "family wagon" :D First I was a bit terrified how it is like to drive with that car which is bigger than "the buggy" all those small roads in Ireland but at least so far so good!

The difference of landscapes that Ireland have within just small areas feel somehow amazing and it was proven again today... First we are in the national park, quite brownish, few lakes visible but more or less that's it but only after 30min drive we all were standing in a sandy beach shores of Atlantic, next to the signs that told about possibilities for doing watersports etc. activities.... Almost like somewhere in southern Europe tourist city but I guess that beach area is also very popular during summer season. Two of our group were actually even "brave enough" to test he water temperature by standing on rocks by the sea and suddenly felt how crashing waves on rocks does spill the water on them. We laughed so much, it was definitely just like a a clip from some comedy movie!
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